Frito Feet

By: Michelle Yaglowski

Let’s be honest. We’re all dog lovers here. We often appreciate their snuggles after a long day.

But, have you ever cuddled up next to your dog and noticed a distinct smell coming from their

feet? This is commonly known as “frito feet.” This smell, which usually occurs within the ears or

feet, is usually related to yeast overgrowth.

Yeast is a naturally occurring fungus that is found in both humans and dogs. However, if there is

an abundance of it, it can cause issues and discomfort. Yeast thrives in moist, warm

environments, which is why it is noticed in our pet’s feet and ears. An overgrowth of yeast may

be caused by a multitude of factors—usually environmental or diet related. However, yeast is

often fueled by the ingredients we feed our dogs. This is why it is important to ensure you are

building a healthy pup from the inside out.

If you believe your pet may have yeast overgrowth, a diet change may be exactly what they

need to feel better. Adding fresh foods to their diet can promote a healthy gut and help the

immune system resolve the yeast overgrowth and prevent further issues. Supplements like

probiotics and digestive enzymes can also be added to help aid the process. Email us with any questions!


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